Algorithms And Data Structures

A collection of notes covering information on core Computer Science algorithms and data structures as well as relevant practice problems highlighting these topics.


The two main graph representations we use when talking about graph problems are the adjacency list and adjancency matrix approaches. Generally, adjacency lists are the right data structure for most applications of graphs.

Adjacency List 😎

  • An adjacency list is a list of lists
  • Each list corresponds to a node v (i.e., vertex) on the graph and contains all the edges (u, v) that originate from the node u
  • Thus, an adjacency list takes up O(V + E) space (V for number of nodes and E for number of edges)
  • In Python, we can represent an adjacency list as a dictionary. The dictionary’s keys will be the nodes, and their values will be the edges for each node
  • With the help of an adjacency list, we can find all the neighbours for a particular node in constant time (the quick lookup is due to the hashing mechanism of dictionaries)
# This is an adjacency list
graph = {
  'A': ['B', 'C'],
  'B': ['D', 'E'],
  'C': ['F', 'G']

To add a node to the graph, add a new key to the graph dictionary. Until we add neighbours, the value of this key will be an empty list.

To add a neighbour (e.g, u) to a node (e.g., v) append u to the value of v in the graph dictionary. The value of v in the graph dictionary is a list which holds all of vs neighbours.

To delete a node from the graph (e.g., v) first delete the key corresponding to v in the graph dictionary. Then cycle through all other nodes in the graph and remove any occurence of v from each of these nodes neighbours list.

To get a node’s neighbours access the value of that node in the graph dictionary; this is a list that contains all of this node’s neighbours.


  • Easy to get a node’s neighbours (just access graph[v] where v is the node we care about); O(1) time complexity
  • Harder to tell if a particular node (e.g., u) is a neighbour of another node (e.g., v) – to find out you would have to do a linear scan through all the nodes in graph[v] and search for u; at worst it’s O(V) time complexity (if v has an edge to every other node in the graph)
  • Fast and easy to add a node; O(1) time complexity
  • Easy to delete a node; O(V+E) time complexity

Adjacency Matrix 🧐


  • Easy to determine if a node has a particular neighbour



Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is a computer programming technique.

Fundamentally, it refers to simplifying a complicated problem by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems in a recursive manner.

There are two key attributes that a problem must have in order for dynamic programming to be applicable:

  1. Optimal substructure
  2. Overlapping sub-problems

Optimal substructure means that the solution to an optimization problem can be obtained optimally by breaking it into sub-problems and then recursively finding the optimal solutions to those sub-problems

Overlapping sub-problems means that the recursive algorithm solving the problem should solve the same sub-problems over and over, rather than generating new sub-problems

Many dynamic programming problems can be solved using the following sequence:

  1. Find a recursive relation
  2. Recursive (top-down)
  3. Recursive + memo (top-down)
  4. Iterative + memo (bottom-up)
  5. Iterative + N variables (bottom-up)



Binary Search Trees (BST)

There are four main ways of traversing a binary search trees:

  1. In-order (visit left sub-tree, current node, right sub-tree)
  2. Pre-order (visit current node, left sub-tree, right sub-tree)
  3. Post-order (visit left sub-tree, right sub-tree, current node)
  4. Level-order traversal (visit all nodes in current level before visiting next level)

In-order, pre-order, and post-order are all variations of the Depth First Search (DFS) graph traversal strategy.

Level-order traversal leverages the Breadth First Search (BFS) graph traversal strategy.

In-order traversal

Useful because it returns the BST in ascending order

Pre-order traversal

Useful because it returns a list representation of the BST (i.e., it can be used to copy a tree). It can also be used to make a prefix expression (Polish notation) from expression trees (by traversing the expression tree in a pre-order fashion). You can also preorder traversal to print out hierarchical format of the tree in a linear format. For example:

    - A
         - B
         - C
    - D
         - E
         - F
             - G

Post-order traversal

Can be used to delete a tree or generate a postfix expression of the tree.

Level-order traversal

Used to visit all nodes in a current level before visting any nodes in the level below (i.e., level order traversal).


Written on January 22, 2022